6 Therapy Practices that are Helping Kids Recover from Trauma

We know therapy isn’t a one size fits all. There is not a form of therapy that is guaranteed to work every time for the kids we work with, because each kids comes to therapy with diverse backgrounds and experiences that shape them to be who they are.

That said, there are many unique therapy practices shown to be more effective for kids who need help on their healing journey. Alternative ways of expressing yourself, especially for a kid who is still developing, may make a difference when it comes to how they sort through a negative history or traumatic past that may have led to this point.

So, we asked the professionals: what are the leading forms of expressive art therapies that you see really making an impact on the kids we serve? Here is what they had to say:

Drama Therapy

A process of rhythm, movement and creativity that promotes emotional growth and healing. Drama provides an outlet for self-expression that does not rely on words and verbal communication. It promotes therapeutic movement to help youth with self-expression and movement which helps to release stored trauma. Lava Heights academy goes to new heights as they explore the art of Drama Therapy in their program.

drama therapy

Music Therapy

The mental health benefits of music have a far reach across ages and cultures. Listening and singing along to music assists our youth in addressing loneliness, grief, stress, depression, anxiety, substance use and other mental health concerns. Music therapy is often used in our programs to help youth manage overwhelming emotions and to find centering and peace at times when their lives feel chaotic and their treatment goals seem like impossible mountains. WSTU made big advancements toward making music therapy available to students through the installation of a recording studio

Music Therapy

Equine Therapy

Equine assisted therapy is an ever-increasing emerging best practice in helping youth with the effects of trauma and attachment concerns. Horses offer a non-judgmental and consistent presence for many of our youth who have never experienced a stable and unconditional positive regard in a relationship. Horses have the amazing ability to co-regulate with humans helping to bring youth’s body and nervous system back into balance, which promotes overall wellness and the ability for youth to heal. Canyon State Academy takes pride in their expansive farm with Horses and small animals with the purpose of developing key skills in kids.

Equine Therapy

Therapeutic Art

Art offers our youth an emotionally safe way to explore their inner emotions and express feelings without having to use words. The act of creating art as a form of self-expression allows youth to work on healing from the inside out, noticing patterns in their creativity that may be reflections of patterns in their life. Our programs use paint and canvases, drawing, collages and sketch pads to promote healing through art. Art allows for deep reflections and a journey in their creativity to produce hope, vision and a new picture of their desired life. Norris Academy had their kids get creative and paint the mural on the outside of their building, which turned out wonderful!

Therapeutic Art

Cultural Arts

Many of our youth find our cultural programs to be most beneficial as it promotes purpose and a connection to their history, their ancestry and traditions and values. Many of our youth have expressed that they feel like they lost important parts of their culture over the years and by participating in cultural events, traditions, and hobbies, they feel like a missing part of themselves has returned. As many of our youth have experienced multiple foster homes or group home placements over the years, they have described that their connection to their culture diminished. Cultural arts therapy is a restorative practice that promotes safe and inclusive belonging and healing. One of our programs created a mural surrounding black culture to display on site for kids, staff, and visitors to enjoy!

Cultural Arts

Recreational Therapy

Rite of Passage was founded on the therapeutic benefits of recreational sports. As a hallmark of ROP programs, recreational therapy promotes our youth being playful, being part of a team, and benefitting from the physical workout involved in sports. Recreational therapy in our programs emphasizes important factors in healing: mindful movements, promoting positive self-esteem, relating to and working on dynamics with their peers. Regular movement and exercise brings balance to a youth’s body and builds lifetime healthy habits for managing stress and mental health symptoms. All of our programs implement expansive sports programming to provide kids with optimal opportunities to get involved, get some exercise, and enjoy their time with their peers through friendly competition.

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